The cryptocurrencies are again in the mouth of investors thanks to the bet of Facebook to launch its own token, and the bitcoin has reacted to the new news about the plans of the social network accelerating its comeback. The main criptodivisa has surpassed on Monday the 9,000 dollars in the main houses of change, in levels that did not touch from May of 2018. In the last year, the bitcoin bubble had deflated strongly, from about $ 20,000 in December 2017 to 3,800 a year later. But in the last 45 days, the currency has shot up 70.39%, to exceed again the $ 9,000, encouraged by the announcement that Facebook plans to enter the sector. On May 3, in announcing his new plans for the social network he runs, Mark Zuckerberg announced that he would bet to create a new cryptocurrency to enter the digital payments sector. "I believe that by reinforcing private interactions around payments and encouraging commerce and business interaction in that way, we are going to build tools for people to buy things directly through the platform," he said. In the next 24 hours, the bitcoin rose almost 10%, and has not stopped winning since then. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, praised the bitcoin and opted for "a single currency for the internet". Last Friday, The Wall Street Journal revealed that the currency will be called Libra and that it has the support of large companies such as Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or Uber, to minimize its volatility. However, believers in cryptocurrencies have decided to bet again on the original, the only one that has so far managed to have a social impact outside the small group of specialized users. That same day, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and the Square payment platform, praised bitcoin and its fans in an interview with Quartz magazine and opted for "a single currency for the internet." The 'believers' again have reasons to get in the car.